
Human Resource
Process Consultation

Trenchard Consulting offers HR Process Consultations and HR Compliance Consulting to help you identify the HR solutions that best fit your unique, business needs. Our mission is to provide our clients with the support they need to grow and thrive.

HR Process

No matter the size or the industry, every company has at least two things in common. One: every company is subject to local, state and federal employment laws. Two: every company wants to save money and avoid costly litigation. Kill two birds with one stone with HR compliance consultation and HR compliance consulting from Trenchard Consulting.

We can help you identify the next best steps to take, whether through our Ongoing Support Services or our Project Based Services.

HR Consultations

HR Compliance Consulting & Process Consultations

HR process consultations refer to a comprehensive review and analysis of a company’s human resources policies, procedures, practices, and systems to identify potential areas of risk and opportunities for improvement.  At Trenchard Consulting, we help provide both HR compliance consulting and audit services.  HR process consultations can cover a wide range of areas, such as:



Ensuring that the company is following all applicable laws and regulations related to employment practices, such as equal employment opportunity, wage and hour laws, and workplace safety.

Onboarding Admins

Recruitment & Retention

Evaluating the effectiveness of the company’s recruitment and retention strategies, including the quality of the talent pool, the efficiency of the hiring process, and the effectiveness of the onboarding process.

Payroll Admin

Performance Management

Assessing the company’s performance management systems and processes to ensure they are effective and aligned with the organization’s goals.

Compensation Review

Employee Benefits

Examining the company’s benefits packages and policies to ensure they are competitive and meet the needs of employees.

Associate Relation

Training & Development

Evaluating the company’s training and development programs to ensure they are aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.

The results of an HR consultations can help you identify potential areas of risk, compliance issues, and opportunities for improvement. This information can then be used to develop strategies and policies to upgrade your HR practices for improved retention and minimize risk.

HR Compliance Consulting

HR compliance consultations from Trenchard Consulting are the way to make sure you are staying within legal requirements and remaining positioned to retain valuable talent. We will help you prepare for the audit by providing a pre-audit questionnaire to produce a range of needed information, including:

  • Your familiarity with local, state, and federal labor laws, including:
  • Your hiring practices, payroll management, and benefits structure
  • Training programs presently in place
  • Standard HR reporting metrics, including:
      • Absenteeism and its associated costs
      • Turnover rate
      • Cost per hire
      • Time to fill positions
      • Benefits as a percentage of salary
      • Healthcare costs per employee

Trenchard Consulting’s
Process Consultation Overview

During our three-hour session with you, we will review a range of areas, including:

  • Hiring practices
  • Policies and procedures/employee handbook
  • Performance management
  • Progressive discipline
  • Payroll practices
  • Training
  • Benefits
  • Total rewards (compensation, bonuses, benefits, perks)
  • HR metrics

Trenchard Consulting will provide a completed HR audit summary and supporting documentation to you within three (3) business days of our session with you.


An overview of our HR Audit services from our CEO & Chief Consultant, Shanna Trenchard!

Trenchard Consulting:
Your HR Compliance Specialists

Many companies, even those that are the market leaders in their particular vertical, have never taken a hard look at their day-to-day HR practices.  They may have been so focused on growth, or even survival, that they haven’t stopped to ask if their HR policies are properly designed and implemented.

We’re a team of experienced HR professionals capable of customizing solutions to your unique business.  We provide custom-built solutions to companies of all sizes to help you remain both competitive for recruiting talent and legally compliant.

Contact us today to learn more!